Possible Night 1 Deaths

Games of Blood on the Clocktower follow a tempo. Setup – roles are assigned. Night 1 information is provided. Day 1, the game commences in earnest and the deduction, along with the killing, begin. But what if there were deaths on Night 1?

How is that possible, I hear you ask? All the roles that cause death – demons, Assassin, Lycanthrope, etc. are all Each Night* (not the first night).

Well, there are, as of writing, 5 ways to get a death on Night 1 that I know of.

Tinker – This is the simplest as the character specifies ‘can die at any time’. Night one is included as any time.

Madness – This is a category of characters that can cause death based upon madness. While two, the Mutant and the Cerenovus, specify execution as the means of death, there is technically nothing that specifies that this must happen during the day.
Also in this category is the Harpy. Harpy deaths are not executions but are still deaths based on a madness break so can happen on Night 1.

Next a pair of characters required to pull it off.
Pukka + Barista – The Pukka is the only demon that picks night 1 for a killing purpose. A Barista causes the Pukka to act twice, so they pick a player. Then

Finally, the Amnesiac and the Atheist deserve a special mention here. Since both allow the Story Teller to bend or break the rules.

It is not a good idea, generally, to allow players to die on Night 1. It will provide hard confirmations and will remove player agency by not allowing them even a single day of being alive.

Are there any possible night 1 deaths I am missing? Let me know!


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