Author: Beardy

  • Far From Town – All Amnesiacs

    A very Story Teller intensive game to run, as they both need to come up with the abilities for all players, since all players are Amnesiacs and they need to be somewhat balanced, but also to actually keep everything in mind when running the game. I think the key when making a script up is…

  • What is an Undertaker to do?

    I was the Undertaker in TB, a fabulous role that can help solve worlds. The key is surviving and executing. I claimed on day 1 to Jams the ‘Soldier’ and entered a role-swap, which meant part 1, surviving, was achieved. Next was executing. Luckily, with the Aussie TPI Stream crew, that’s rarely an issue. I…

  • Far from Town – Blood on the Crossover

    Next up with the bizarre is what you get when you take two different characters and mash them together. Double the information! Double the confirmation! Double the Chaos! This script can be a bit jank around the edges, Lortox can just win day 1 if none of them vote and it has the Lleech (Llil…

  • Yaggababble Release – A New Demon

    Yaggababble Release – A New Demon

    Description You start knowing a secret phrase. For each time you said it publicly today, a player might die. Interactions A player dies. Can be day or night. This can setup some very interesting interactions, such as mimicking a Tinker / Witch / Harpy / Golem / Psychopath death. Killing an outsider during the day…

  • Clocktower Resolution – 2 Months In

    Continuing with my goal for the year, perhaps I set the bar too low. 62 games this month which does include quite a few Teensies but also, happily, more games on stream. Some hilarious and classic moments, including some chaos such as Blood on the Crossover and a blind game. Just over 31% of the…

  • Alchemist Goblin, What Can go Wrong?

    Turns out, quite a lot, especially when playing Teeny Meanie Miney Mo. I pulled the Alchemist token so I was excited to see what ability I would get. I hoped for Poisoner but got Goblin, so I hatched a plan. Tell everyone and get executed day 1. The plan went very well, with 4 of…

  • Far From Town – Sects and Bewlets

    What if Clocktower is too… simple. Normal. Functional. Well, then have I got news for you! This recurring series will highlight the weird and absurd world of Clocktower. Bootlegger rules, home-brew characters and full scripts. First up… Sects and Violets Bewlets? This is what you get when you take Sects and Violets and google translate…

  • An Engineers Choice

    What is an Engineer to do? Playing Separation of Church and State, a delightful script by Aero, with 10 players the choice to me was obvious. While Legion is always an interesting choice, I decided that minion manipulation was the way to go, and with 2 minions in play I had options. Unfortunately, I was…

  • Bounty Poisoner

    Bounty Poisoner

    An interesting home-brew script, for totally normal reasons not at all related to the time of year, being mid February. Cupid’s Bow, where some players were in hidden Revolutionary pairs where they didn’t have to sit next to each other, but still be the same alignment. I was evil, such joy! And what a team…

  • Possible Night 1 Deaths

    Possible Night 1 Deaths

    Games of Blood on the Clocktower follow a tempo. Setup – roles are assigned. Night 1 information is provided. Day 1, the game commences in earnest and the deduction, along with the killing, begin. But what if there were deaths on Night 1? How is that possible, I hear you ask? All the roles that…